Full Form of hardware and networking devices
In Comptia N+ or A+ exam you may have a question asking for full form. Beside exam in networking world we have to face several situation where need the extended or complete form of abbreviated form. Here we tried to list few most of them with their full form.
AC alternating current
ACPI advanced configuration and power interface
ACT activity
ADSL asymmetrical digital subscriber line
AGP accelerated graphics port
AMD advanced micro devices
AMR audio modem riser
APIPA automatic private internet protocol addressing
APM advanced power management
ARP address resolution protocol
ASR automated system recovery
AT advanced technology
ATA advanced technology attachment
ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATX advanced technology extended
BIOS basic input/output system
BNC Bayonet-Neill-Concelman or British Navel Connector
BRI basic rate interface
BTX balanced technology extended
CCD charged coupled device
CD compact disc
CD-ROM compact disc-read-only memory
CD-RW compact disc-rewritable
CDFS compact disc file system
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CNR communication network riser
COM1 communication port 1
CPU central processing unit
CRIMM continuity-rambus inline memory module
CRT cathode-ray tube
DAC discretionary access control
DB-25 serial communications D-shell connector, 25 pins
DB-9 9 pin D shell connector
DC direct current
DDOS distributed denial of service
DDR double data-rate
DDR RAM double data-rate random access memory
DDR SDRAM double data-rate synchronous dynamic random access memory
DFS distributed file system
DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
DIMM dual inline memory module
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm
DIP dual inline package
DLT digital linear tape
DLP digital light processing
DMA direct memory access
DNS domain name service or domain name server
DOS disk operating system or denial of service
DPMS display power management signaling
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DSL digital subscriber line
DVD digital video disc or digital versatile disc
DVD-RAM digital video disc-random access memory
DVD-ROM digital video disc-read only memory
DVD-R digital video disc-recordable
DVD-RW digital video disc-rewritable
DVI digital visual interface
ECC error correction code
ECP extended capabilities port
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
EFS encrypting file system
EIDE enhanced integrated drive electronics
EISA extended industry standard architecture
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
EPP enhanced parallel port
ERD emergency repair disk
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESDI enhanced small device interface
EVGA extended video graphics adapter/array
EVDO evolution data optimized or evolution data only
FAT file allocation table
FAT12 12-bit file allocation table
FAT16 16-bit file allocation table
FAT32 32-bit file allocation table
FDD floppy disk drive
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Fn Function (referring to the function key on a laptop)
FPM fast page-mode
FRU field replaceable unit
FT P file transfer protocol
FQDN fully qualified domain name
GB gigabyte
GDI graphics device interface
GHz gigahertz
GUI graphical user interface
GPRS general packet radio system
GSM global system for mobile communications
HAL hardware abstraction layer
HCL hardware compatibility list
HDD hard disk drive
HDMi high definition media interface
HPFS high performance file system
HTML hypertext markup language
HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
HTTPS hypertext transfer protocol over secure sockets layer
I/O input/output
ICMP internet control message protocol
ICS internet connection sharing
ICR intelligent character recognition
IDE integrated drive electronics
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IIS Internet Information Services
IMAP internet mail access protocol
IP internet protocol
IPCONFIG internet protocol configuration
IPP internet pri